foundation @aleksanderkaczukjagielnik.com
ul. Gwiaździsta 5/100
66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski
KRS 0001080668
NIP 5993282465
REGON 52744646900000
Foundation Board:
President Aleksander Kaczuk-Jagielnik
akj @aleksanderkaczukjagielnik.com
Vice President Michał Skowronek
michalskowronek @aleksanderkaczukjagielnik.com
Accounting Wojciech Oliszewski
invoice @aleksanderkaczukjagielnik.com
bank account number mBank: PL 07 1140 2004 0000 3702 8448 7411
AKJ FOUNDATION is a foundation established by Aleksander Kaczuk-Jagielnik.
Its aim is to carry out socially useful activities for the development of culture, art, music, dance, film, and theater. The foundation is dedicated to discovering the richness and diversity of these fields, supporting the cultural development of society, and enabling artists to freely pursue their passions and artistic dreams. In order to achieve its goal, the foundation acquires financial resources, organizes or participates in cultural and educational events, provides training, and offers financial, substantive, technical, and organizational assistance. AKJ Foundation may also engage in economic activities to fulfill its statutory objectives.
The foundation was established with the support of KSW | LEGAL – Kapuła & Superson – Winkowska Spółka Partnerska Radców Prawnych.